You can return your books back to us in-store. Doing this as soon as possible will allow you to minimize late fees. You will want to be sure and bring a form of payment for the late fee, as we will not be able to check in your books until the late fee is paid.
If you are out of town, you can ship the books back to us at 109 Spring St, Tahlequah, OK 74464. We have found that USPS Media Mail is usually the cheapest shipping option. Please include your name and phone number in the package so we can ensure that the books are checked in under the right account. In addition, if you would also email us the tracking information to our email (campusbookstore@gmail.com). Once the books have been received, one of our team members will be contacting you regarding the late fee. Until this late fee is paid we will not be able to clear the books from your account.
Thank you for your understanding and as always we appreciate your business. We look forward to seeing you in the new year for a great new semester!